Chord form

chord form

This chart shows how to play the main chords.
A large 2-page spread makes the charts easy to read.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages
*We recommend using the original download data for printing.

Mini practice sheet

mini practice seet

diatonic chords
Please use this sheet to mark the different forms of the Diatonic chords.
Please use the memo section to add helpful notes.
Once completed, this chart will make it easier to memorize the Diatonic chords.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Chromatic Notation Blank sheet

Blank sheet

[8 line sheet]
This blank music sheet is to be used for Chromatic notation.
This traditional music sheet has more space between the lines to make writing notes easier.
Write the numbers of the clef according to the range of the song.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Blank sheet

[10 line sheet]

This blank music sheet is to be used for Chromatic notation.
The space between lines is narrower on this page.
Write the numbers of the clef according to the range of the song.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Blank sheet

[3-columns without auxiliary line sheet]

This blank music sheet is to be used for Chromatic notation.
It can be used for songs with a wide range.
Write the numbers of the clef according to the range of the song.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Blank sheet

[3-column auxiliary line sheet]

This blank music sheet is to be used for Chromatic notation.
It can be used for songs with a wide range.
Write the numbers of the clef according to the range of the song.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Wholetone Revolution Manual


Wholetone Revolution InstructionManual

[ Japanese ]

*We recommend using the original download data for printing.



CHROMATONE InstructionManual

[ Japanese / English ]

*We recommend using the original download data for printing.

The Japanese national anthem(Rio Olympics closing ceremony in 2016.)


The Japanese national anthem as arranged by Jun Miake. This song was performed during the Rio Olympics closing ceremony in 2016.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages

Antagata Dokosa (choir version)


This is a choir version of the traditional children’s song “Antagata Dokosa” written in Chromatic notation and arranged by Kenji Ikeda.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages

Kagome Kagome[choir version]


This is a choir version of the traditional children’s song “Kagome Kagome” written in Chromatic notation and arranged by Kenji Ikeda.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages

Chromatone Etude No.1~OHANA~


Chromatone Etude No.1~OHANA’s written in chromatic notation and composed by Wataru Ohkawa, inventor of the Chromatone.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages

Chromatone Etude No.2


Chromatone Etude No2 written in chromatic notation and composed by Wataru Ohkawa, inventor of the Chromatone.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 2 pages

Chromatone Etude No.3~HACHI~


Chromatone Etude No.3~HACHI~ written in chromatic notation and composed by Ritsuko Kudo, inventor of the Chromatone.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Chromatone Etude No.4


Chromatone Etude No4 written in chromatic notation and composed by Wataru Ohkawa, inventor of the Chromatone.

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

Muto Notation Font

Muto Font

This a specialized font for Chromatic notation.
《normal version》
・MutoNotationClef.ttf(Clef font)
・MutoNotationNotes.ttf(Notehead font)

《JAZZ version》
・MutoNotationClef_jazz.ttf(Clef font)
・MutoNotationNotes_jazz.ttf(Notehead font)

《Muto Notation Font Key layout》
Muto Notation Font Key layoutlisting

[Caution/ Prohibited matters]

・This font is available for all use – commercial or otherwise.
・Changing the font data, creating unauthorized copies, redistribution, and secondary sales are prohibited.
・Please refrain from registering trademarks of any kind using this font.
・If you would like to sell items using this font or use this font as part of a paid service, please contact us.
・Please note that we do not take any responsibility or liability for any damages caused through our services or products.


The copyright of the font data is vested in Tokyo Yusyo – the creator of this font.
*Please unzip the file for use.

Chromatic Notation Staff

[For finale] These are the specialized .musx file for Chromatic notation.

[Great stuff]

(This default is from c3 to c6.)

[1 line music sheet]
(This default is from c4 to c5.)

[Caution/ Prohibited matters]

・This file is free to use.
・However, it’s forbidden to use this file without the copyright mark.
・Please contact us if you would like to sell items using this file or use this file as part of a paid service.
・Our company will not be liable in relation to any damage caused by the modification or termination of these files.

*Installation of the、“Muto Notation Font”is required for use.
*Please unzip the file for use.

MIDI implementation chart


This is the MIDI implementation chart for the CHROMATONE CR-313.
(There is also a chart for the Wholetone Revolution in the manual)

Paper size: A4 (8.27”x11.69”)/ 1 pages

learn the note range〜Chromatic notation〜

chromatic notation

In Chromatic notation, the charting better represents the space between each note making it the best way to learn the note range.

Paper size: A3 (11.69” x 16.54”)/ 1 pages